
Monday, December 31, 2012

Season 5 Part 1 Review

OK, season 5 part 1 is done, and we're heading into a new year with a new transformation. I know everyone just wants to see what's next, but for now, let's review what happened so far. I've created a list of pros and cons for part one. Disagree or agree? Tell us in the comments!

Cons- The fact that the quests weren't too interesting, plus the fact that it was the same plotline over and over again kind of ruined the first part of the season. Also, the lack of Specialists. With Sky in almost every eppy, Helia being all bipolar on his relationship with Flora, Riven and Brandon barely in the picture (I need meh Riven and Brandon) it just brought it down. They don't seem like the heroes they were training to be. Their storyline never seems to go anywhere, and they really fell flat during S4. Another thing. Bloom's storyline is DONE! Leave her alone and give Flora or Tecna or even Stella and Musa a chance to shine. 

Pros- Outfits are adorable. It really shows how much they've grown from S1. They also seem less rushed then S4. The CGI. Originally, I thought it would suck. The trailer gave me no hope with their graphics (at some points Icy's hair resembled paper) It really came through for me though. It looks quite nice. Better then some movies done by lower budget studios for sure, and I thought that they would be on par with that. Finally, transformations. These transformations shine like they should. Harmonix is my personal favourite, but the Sirenix transformation is so magical, and the theme is catchy. Definitely a plus for S5. 

Overall I think Part 1 was pretty cool, but I hope part 2 will be even better.   


  1. I hope part 2 will be more interesting since they got Sirenix.

  2. ^ Eh, I'm not so sure. The animation (more specifically, the outfits) Is what saved the season for me. I don't really like it so far.
