
Fan Fictions! Winx go to Monster high

Fan fictions. Write your stories here and post them! Or just pm me your stories I'll post them for people to read! SO what you waiting for? Get writing! :) My Fan Fiction Warning: Please do not copy be creative and make your own! Some people might know this story since i let you read it like Jen our Soon to be Admin!
*eats Chocolate*
winx-club-monster-high Cross-over CHAPTER 1: it was bright early morning in Alfea the winx were busy as always bloom pacing around and around Stella doing her nails and talking on the phone flora taking care of her flowers musa listening to music Aisha making potions tecna playing a video game and kiko and the pets fooling around.bloom groaned ''when is lockette coming she said she has some news from ms.faragonada'' ''bloom calm down plus why don't you go talk to sky or some thing if your so bored!''said Stella ''first of all sky and i well we are not bad but maybe i should not go.''said bloom sitting down lockette came in the room ''hey guys''she said in a sweet voice ''lockette hi! what did ms.faragonada say?''asked bloom ''well girls she said you have to go to some school called monster high!''said lockette playing with her hair ''monsters!eww gross just when you thought you were done with monsters count me out!''said Stella dropping her nail polish ''oh great''she groaned ''oh come on Stella it can't be that bad!''said musa ''why exactly do we have to go to another school?''asked tecna ''she said some thing about an fixing thing i forgot!''said lockette ''oh yeah i remember she said you have to go to another school because they have to repair Alfea in case we have an attack so they are making all the students go to another school for about three months because after they repair it they have to build many other things like new class rooms bathrooms,and all that!''said locktte taking a breath ''are there really monsters in monster high?''asked flora worried ''oh come on flora its called monster high so either they have monsters of the kids act like the monsters!''said Stella. ''guys lets go ask ms.fargonada then we can pack''said Aisha ''good idea''said tecna the winx all stood up and headed for ms.faragonada's office.bloom knocked ''come in''said ms.faragonada the winx all started talking at once ''whoa whoa girls!''said ms.faragonda ''sorry''they all said ''so ms.f whats all this about monster high?''asked Aisha ''yes i heard about that school it a great school the students are very nice you will be going there tomorrow so you should get packing!''said ms.faragonda ''wait they don't actually have monsters there do they?''asked Stella ''well the students are monsters half monsters half human but don't worry they are nice plus maybe you could make some new friends!''she said ''oh great a monster as my friend nope never gonna happen!''said Stella musa rolled her eyes ''guys lets go pack''said flora ''i wonder how the school will look like?''asked tecna ''probably with bugs and spiders ugh gross!''said Stella ''Stella the more you keep saying things about it the more you make that school sound worse" said Aisha ''okay good maybe you would get in to your mind and not want to go to this school!''said Stella ''Stella seriously calm down it might not be a hotel but maybe you will like it there and maybe you could give them fashion tips cause you love doing that!''said bloom ''yup they are gonna need it!''Stella replied ''i am beat!''said musa ''me too so tired a full day of nothing how are you guys tired?''asked tecna ''i don't blame them do you know how hard it is to do my nails now that's hard work''said Stella ''sure it is Stella!''said Aisha they arrived to their room Stella collapsed on her bed ''maybe we should start packing!''said Aisha ''no thanks i rather go to school on earth!''said Stella the winx started packing ''hey girls should we take the fairy pets or leave them with mike and Vanessa on earth?''asked bloom ''i think we should leave them they mike and Vanessa because no pets in school remember?''said tecna ''true but i am gonna miss them!''said flora hugging her pink cat coco ''we can always visit them on weekends!''said musa the winx continued packing by the time they were done it was 6:00 ''how did we take such a long time?''asked Aisha ''because Stella did not help that's why it took a long time!''complained Aisha glaring at Stella ''what?''said Stella looking innocent.''i am just gonna go to sleep guys i am so tired my arms hurt!''said flora ''same here''said tecna the winx headed to their rooms and tried to go to sleep.Stella couldn't sleep she did not want tot go to a monster school with gross monster ugh gross this was fair!

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